Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Monty Python's Flying Circus!!!

Here's a story from the Miami Herald that sounds like something from a Britcom -- Hondura's former leader says `Israeli mercenaries' are subjecting him to mind-altering gas and radiation.

It reminds me of the claim that secret Israeli agents had snuck into Peru with plans to undermine the government.

The story is just deranged -- but it seems to have legs and the people of Honduras have to put up with military roadblocks, curfews and violence. You'd think the parties could find enough to fight over without bringing Zionism into a distant part of the Western Hemisphere.

They're torturing me, Honduras' Manuel Zelaya claims


TEGUCIGALPA -- It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He's sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and "Israeli mercenaries'' are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.

"We are being threatened with death,'' he said in an interview with The Miami Herald, adding that mercenaries were likely to storm the embassy where he has been holed up since Monday and assassinate him.

Zelaya was deposed at gunpoint on June 28 and slipped back into his country on Monday, just two days before he was scheduled to speak before the United Nations. He sought refuge at the Brazilian Embassy, where Zelaya said he is being subjected to toxic gases and radiation that alter his physical and mental state.
Honduran police spokesman Orlin Cerrato said he knew nothing of any radiation devices being used against the former president.

"He says there are mercenaries against him? Using some kind of apparatus?'' Cerrato said. ``No, no, no, no. Sincerely: no. The only elements surrounding that embassy are police and military, and they have no such apparatus.''
Israeli government sources in Miami said they could not confirm the presence of any "Israelis mercenaries'' in Honduras.
Zelaya told The Herald that Washington should be taking a stronger stance against the elite economic interests that "financed and benefited'' from the coup that ousted him three months ago.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


  1. Your naivety continues to amaze me Morton. I have lived in Honduras and the Mussad's support for various central and south american dictatorships has been well documented. This is such a typical problem. Anyone who accuses the State of Israel of doing anything questionable or covert is accused of being a conspiracy theorist or a crazy anti-semite. A very convenient way of deflected attention away from the actual covert-ops that Israel is actually engaged in, in the interest of what is a profoundly expansionist state. I met at least one Mussad agent in Central America and countless CIA and exCIA who almost brag about their involvement in thwarting any real democratic movement. I respect your posts Morton, but I think you need a simple dose of Real-politik.

  2. Wow James, never miss an opportunity for this kind of post to you?

    So any thoughts on the Goldstone report?

  3. Warren Kinsella - A totally self-centred waste of skin in so many ways but I have to admire his unwavering support for Jews and Israel, and no, they're not the same thing but most people who attack Israel are just hiding their real feelings.

    Why, oh why do so many Jews associate with Liblogs, or worse, progressive bloggers, when the above is so representative of mainstream Liberal thinking these days. What a shame. We Conservatives don;t put up with that kind of bigotry, no matter how it is couched.

  4. Goldstone report -- the terms of reference made it's result inevitable.

    Mossad agents? Yes, I imagine there are some in South America -- but I don;t think they are there with the paramilitary police in Honduras. To see them there is to imagine a conspiracy out of a Dan Brown novel.

  5. You know I respect you Morton but you are just wrong and appear to have no idea what goes on in central america. The Honduran state and in earlier days the El Salvadoran state (as well as Guatemala) have depended on the Mussad more than any other organization to do paramilitary training. The Columbian government too has actively employed the Mussad. And to ignore this is naivety on the level of a Enid Blyton novel. Here in Canada people have no idea of the covert operations that have been going on in Central and South America for many years. In many cases the operations have been sponsored by the Americans but the sponsorship has been hidden by the funneling of money through other organization, the Mussad in particular. The Contras were deeply tied to the Mussad as well as the CIA and they used to call themselves American proxy forces.

    It is amazing how many people can think of themselves as political realists but their realism falls down whenever basic political efforts in the third world are involved.

    You really need to inform yourself about these issues Morton.

  6. Goldstone report -- the terms of reference made it's result inevitable.
    Shorter Morton: I'll use lawyer speak to weasel out of saying that Goldstone was neutral and found that war crimes were committed - as everyone suspected.

    Maybe Morton should go over to

    (and get a little more nuance)

  7. I cannot get hold of the man I know who is an expert on HOnduras but I know an expert on Columbia who teaches at a Canadian University and has personal acquaintance with the paramilitary in Columbia. He talks about the training that the former supreme commander of the paramilitary death-squads received directly from the Mussad. Here is an interesting article on the subject.
