Thursday, July 31, 2008

100 Tyrants

Imagine you are merely a rather mean spirited autocrat -- and you don't make the cut as one of the 100 "most evil despots and dictators" -- picture your disappointment!


  1. Is Harper in the top 50???

  2. Ricky,

    Very droll, but a bit harsh. Whatever you think of the PM's policies (and some are perfectly ok) he is a democrat and far from a bad guy. I'd prefer Dion as PM but I am not worried that my preference will lead to a "knock in the night"... .

  3. it's amazing what books actually get published these days. A saunter through the bargain section of Chapters/Indigo confirms this.

  4. Markhammom,

    There used to be a tv show called Famous Nobel Prize winners. I always felt bad for the people who won Nobel prizes but weren't famous! Can you imagine how they felt? "I work my whole life on ABC, and win a Nobel prize, and I still can't get a table at Centros... ".

  5. True. I see your point. I just thought I'd take a jab at the publishing industry :p
    As for the not-so-famous Noble winners, it's more likely they wouldn't be able to AFFORD the meal at Centros, even if they could get a table. Probably researchers or humanists who work tirelessly for meager salaries.
