Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Harper Calls For The Cards?

I'm not sure that the Prime Minister really wants an election but he certainly sounds like he's ready to fight one. Remember he is talking to party faithful but is very aware he will be on national media.

"Either let the current Parliament work and let us get on with our mandate, or the voters themselves will decide," Harper told a crowd of 1,500 supporters in the Quebec community of St-Agapit on Wednesday.

"Mr. Dion must decide to fish or cut bait."

Full Story Here:


  1. I do not think and hope that Dion will not fall for this bait. Dion said he will decide..not Harper

  2. It is rather amusing that Captain Canada would be using the Americanism "fish or cut bait"...

    Does he ever have a "made in Canada" solution? Or will he always be deferring south of the border?

  3. Ohhh, Americanism! Bogey man! Scare! Scare!


    Apparently first used in 1853. That hardly seems long enough to become a universal term, eh?

  4. how about "shit or get off the pot"? I think that's made in Kanada???
