Sunday, November 23, 2008

Manitoba won't escape economic woes: Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff is quite right -- even the Provinces that have done well recently will be affected by the economic decline.  A rising tide raises all boats but a falling tides brings em all down.

Manitoba won't escape economic woes: Ignatieff

Winnipeg Free Press

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Page: A4

Byline: Bill Redekop


THE shock that the country is actually headed into a deficit despite massive surpluses and debt repayments just a few years ago, was a hot topic at a forum with Liberal leadership hopeful Michael Ignatieff in Winnipeg Saturday.


"We're in a deficit right now because this government spent the seed corn. They threw away (the surplus) in good times," Ignatieff told a crowd of Liberal supporters.


Ignatieff warned that even though Manitoba's economy is still performing well, it will feel the coming economic calamity, too.


"It's going to be rough in 2009, it's going to be rough in 2010. Some of you may have trouble trying to hang on to your jobs," he said.


About 100 people turned out for the question and answer session in the east ballroom at Fort Garry Place. Ignatieff said the turnout was testament that the Liberal party has strength in Manitoba. "It's a cold Saturday morning and I thought there would be four people here," he said. Ignatieff talked about the series of attack ads devised by the Conservatives that made outgoing leader Stephane Dion appear to be a weak leader only days after he took over the party leadership. Ignatieff considered the attacks "a disgrace to Canadian politics."

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