Friday, September 18, 2009

Coalition government comes to Canada

We have a Conservative-socialist coalition, propped up by the separatists, passing that very same budget Jack Layton slammed. (Well, in fairness, I guess that's how minority governments survive but still ...).


  1. Kind of a stretch to say this is a coalition, wouldn't you say?

    Was there a signing ceremony and will there be NDP ministers in the new "government"?

  2. Of course it is a stretch.

    As you state they will be no NDP ministers...

    So that's what the Liberal brain trust call putting Canada's interest first and good governance: "a Conservative-socialist coalition"....

    Maybe Iggy can put them "on probation"...

  3. Woulda been nice to see that asterisk after "coup" last winter.

  4. Don't like it? Don't complain - the Liberals had their chance to end this government last spring.

    The NDP managed to squeeze concessions on EI out of the Tories. What did the Liberals manage. A review committee?

    It's like criticizing the Tories for the deficit - the Liberals should refrain from criticizing people do doing what they have done / would have done / will do.
