Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It was right to apologize

This was a mistake. Now, how it happened is another question -- my guess is that the photo (which is dreadful) got submitted and the person scanning the entries did not recognize it as being a fiddle of the Oswald shot. If you look at the photo it does not jump out at you unless you recognize it. The gun in Ruby's hand is clear enough if you look at it but if you are scanning for, say, sexual material, you might well miss it. If that is what happened then more care needs to be taken but there is no real problem. If however the person looking over the entries thought the photo was amusing then we have a problem. Regardless, it was right to apologize.

OTTAWA -- The federal Liberals apologized Tuesday after posting a photo on the party's website depicting Prime Minister Stephen Harper being assassinated.

The photo substitutes the head of the prime minister for that of Lee Harvey Oswald in the famous black-and-white photo that shows Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby in 1963. Oswald had recently been arrested for shooting then-U.S. president John F. Kennedy.

Read more: http://www.nationalpost.com/story.html?id=2343091#ixzz0ZmgcJnPW


  1. How do we know this was done by a liberal--or Lib?

    All the dirty tricks Harper et al have been doing over the years, would it surprise anyone if this pic was posted by a Con, or a supporter?

    I mean, it's wonderful timing--Harper is in the center of the detainee scandal, and now here's a pic showing Harper getting shot.

    When was the picture uploaded in relation to the CPC noise machine being turned on?

    The timing is all too coincidental.

  2. First off, looks like Peter Donolo is working out splendidly this far.

    Beyond that, the Liberals are breaking one of Warren Kinsella's rules right now:

    Never apologize for your spot. Apologizing for someone else's spot? After you're the one who used it? Probably more damaging yet.

    Which, if you ask me, is actually rather unfortunate. While this will be hard for a lot of people to forget, apologizing demonstrates strength of character, and they deserve respect for that much.

  3. The Web Team sent out an apology and the leader of the party refused.

    I am not sure how this going to help raise the bar of political discourse.

  4. What in the devil does the Leader of the party have to do with this ...it is a contest on the Environment by bloggers etc.

  5. Harperites set the standard so what comes around goes around. It still doesn't let them off the hook for Afghanisnam and as for prorogue? Go ahead, I double dog dare you. The LADY won't let it fly again.

  6. And what about the cow pic?

    Harper's hand in the cow's rear end,
    the small print saying he had no pants on....

  7. The whole thing was really lame. To have the work of disgruntled children on the Party Website indicates very poor leadership and then Iggy refusing to apologize caps the mess with another poor choice and further evidence of poor leadership.

    All in all "Dumber than a sack of hammers"

  8. Piss off Patrick

    WK did apologize today.
    I don't recall Connies feigning outrage at the Stephane Dion image surrounded by bullet holes.

  9. How did the offending shop make it to the finals?

    How many layers of stupid does this go?

    And now Kantsellit is gonna try and sell a stupid comparison.

    Is he still talking for you folks?


    Thanks for the free media coverage!

  10. "I don't recall Connies feigning outrage at the Stephane Dion image surrounded by bullet holes."

    Well, Cherni, that's because we know a phony outrage when we know it.

    (We've been getting years of practice dealing with people like yourself.)

    It doesn't take a genius to figure out that bulletholes tend to be round, and the holes appearing the image to which you refer were definitively not round.

    Not every hole is a bullet hole, Cherni. It seems your daddy should've taught you that.

  11. Hey, James. I don't know if you go back and check these, but I tried to follow my link back here earlier today and got a "cannot find blog" message from blogger.

    I was worried you'd shut down. I'm glad to see you're still with us -- even if we often disagree.
