The iron sign bearing the Nazi slogan "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work Shall Set You Free) that spanned the main entrance to the Auschwitz death camp was stolen before dawn on Friday, Polish police said.
In truth, the death camp itself (Birkenau) is a short distance away -- the area in the photograph (right), while brutal, was more a prison than an extermination camp. That said, entering the camp through those gates is a harrowing experience. The entrance to Birkenau (left) has no sign -- I remember walking along those train tracks a few years ago and thinking thoughts that were disordered and unhappy.
It's an affront to the memory of the millions who perished there. I hope they find it and bring justice to the perps...
ReplyDeleteNot bizarre in the least. If it's not recovered, it will fetch literally millions in the underground Nazi memorabilia market.
ReplyDeleteNot bizarre but truly sad.... that sign was a symbol that represented the horror of the death camps.
ReplyDeleteHistory should be preserved but even if this artifact is never recovered, the desecration will not erase the inhumanities that happened there.
Dr. Dawg, you are projecting...
It could be, but then again it could be something else entirely.