Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Maybe the lack of French acronym was intentional?

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Hanlon's Razor

I wonder if the lack of a French acronym for the RCAF is not mere incompetence but is intentional. Quebec, where most Canadian French speakers live, is (despite a history of valiant members of the Forces) not very keen on things glorifying the military. Perhaps a lack of French acronym was part of a micro-targeting campaign -- one message for English Canada and another for French Canada?

If so, this is an encouragement of "Two Solitudes."


  1. Interesting questions. Questions are the most important.

    Which brings me to something totally off topic. I thought about you and your liking for Wagner recently on one of my numerous visits at YouTube. In case you haven't heard...

    Jon Vickers on art and questions:

    And the art of Jon Vickers:
