Thursday, January 26, 2012

Small story from Pang

Fish from ice fishing in Qikiqtarjuaq are coming in about three weeks earlier than usual. That's good locally -- more local jobs -- but a sign of the changing climate.


  1. I bet you can't convince Harper of that. There is no such thing as climate change.

    Besides which, Harper said, the tar sands oil is ethical oil. All oil is bad. The dirty tar sands oil, happens to be the dirtiest energy on earth.

    Oil spills do a terrible damage. Harper's "ethical" oil or not. So do pipeline spills.

  2. I suspect some forms of coal are far worse than the oil sands but that would mean looking at the facts.

    Without oil our life expectancy would drop by decades. More oil energy is needed to increase living standards to some 4 billion people around the world (this includes those living in Canada's north.)

    James; If the north is to prosper it will need oil and lots of it.

    Just how the hell did you get up there in the first place?
