Sunday, January 8, 2012

The worst society has to offer


It's difficult for those who have never experienced unbridled hatred to feel the pain that congregants of a Gatineau Mosque must be feeling today. Over the last two weeks hateful vandals have smashed windows, tried to torch cars in their parking lot and spray-painted anti-Islamic graffiti including of all things "Stars of David," on the Mosque's doors and windows.

Five hours west of Gatineau in the sleepy GTA bedroom community of Newmarket, Rita Brown and her partner Seun Oyinsan awoke Christmas morning to find that racist vandals had scratched an ugly epithet on the hood of their car. You see Rita and Seun are a mixed race couple and it seems that there are at least a bigoted few in Newmarket who have yet to enter the 21st century.


  1. THIS is the kind of people WE in the Liberal Party need to stand up strongly for... I will be in Ottawa this weekend, and will be hoping to renew our connection... and to help our party reaffirm our vows to stand for the kinds of folks who built our movement.

  2. Thanks! I'll mention you comment to Bernie!!

  3. Don't you just love the byproduct of state-enforced multiculturalism?

  4. In the off chance you don't know, white people often do the same to other white people. It's not something that's exclusive to race or religious based motivations.

    I am white, Anglo Saxon protestant and I have experienced cowardly attacks from other white Anglo Saxon protestants because the attackers were small minded and self centered. Nothing much a person can do about that in our times, and there are many of those folks in this country. Many of them vote for Mr. Harper. Some don't even know who Mr. Harper is, or anything else about their Country. A sad reality.

    After experiencing numerous incidents and eventually contacting the RCMP, albeit without high expectations, I was informed to invest in a modern day motion sensitive camera system. So I guess that is what the aggrieved parties here must do as well.

    That said, the Liberal Party can't defend against Harpers Republican advisers subtle manipulation of base instincts of small c Canadians with appeals for minority rights. The gen xers don't really care overall, nor do the old farts. What they care about is paying for the all the excesses they have been duped into thinking was normal. The excesses that would make them feel fulfilled.


    I don't remember a single Liberal warning about the dangers of excess spending. Nor do I remember a single Reformatory doing that either, until they thought it might be politically expedient. Don't practice what they offer from the pulpit though. An obvious statement, and I sort of apologize for stating the obvious.

  5. Pt 2 or peeing into the wind

    It's what's not obvious that needs to be said. It's what's bold and makes sense that has to be pursued vigorously. As in ending new age prohibition, dealing logically with prostitution, and speak for Canada for crying out loud. Revive that which was good from Trudeau's dream, and explain that we are a Nation, not a collection of municipalities / regions all vying for one's own selfish interests, pet projects and patronage treats.

    Talk about breaking the cycle of self centered interest. Talk about making it real, and mean it. Otherwise, wait until the guppies are tired of the Harper. That could take some time as he will drill baby drill until there is nothing left for the Children, and the Children's Children. Everyone except the Don Cherry followers knows that.

    I was tired of the Harper when I saw him in the HOC pressing for Canada to back the US on it's invasion of Iraq. The Harper never Soldiered, and the empty suit knows nothing about what it is to Soldier in a war. What it is to remember. What it is to be haunted by the memories of what you did for the rest of your life.

    Ron Paul recently accused Newt Gingrich, of being a Chicken Hawk. Harper is either a Chicken Hawk or a man without a conscience. He was an ardent advocate of war, yet he never spoke one single word on behalf of Captain Semrau. Not one.

    I'm about done with this advisory but want to finish with these things; given the infighting in the Liberal party, it's recent history of leader selection and it's often times fluid positions on major issues such as Afghanistan, I have been left for some time to wonder if they actually want to form a government? I don't see them as stupid, and that is why I wonder?

    Often, I think the two parties are actually one big family that sometimes have minor disagreements.

    It's not good enough for critical thinkers methinks. The color of the gruel isn't particularly significant. It's still gruel at the end of the day.

    STOP HARPER as the brave little Mouse that roared once said. Build it and they will come. Otherwise, just be honest and bugger off into obscurity and don't be a distraction for those who want to deal with the many challenges this Nation will face in the years to come.

    In my experiences over 6 decades, the supposed high ideals of politicos virtually always depends on who has the biggest gun, regardless of posturing. And almost all of them are Chicken Hawks too. But they do know about the power of banking. They don't need to be brave to understand that.

    Perhaps I should apologize for my seemingly rambling mini manifesto, as would be in keeping with how many Liberals see Canadians, but I'm not so sure they see clearly or that I should apologize for writing some things that should be said.

    Therefore, I shan't apologize and will choose to be un Canadian as per the current far right wing evangelistic rhetoric in the United States of America.

    I dislike small minded people. I dislike people who pursue an agenda to set Canadian against Canadian. I dislike bigots and war mongers. My nightmares remind me of why.

    I also very much resent a Government that tells me I am not to be trusted to own a rifle. Only a hypocrite would sanction Canadian involvement in Afghanistan and deny me the right to past practice.
