Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Globe piece panders to worst instincts of 'us' and 'them'

The Shafias are (and were) Canadian.


Entitled to the same respect as other Canadians and subject to the same laws as other Canadians.

Saying everyone who is a Muslim (or an Indian or German or Japanese or Jew) acts in a certain way is offensive and, worse, wrong.

The plurality of Canadians who are murders are (nominally) Catholic; I don't look to that as meaning much beyond the fact that a plurality if Canadians are (nominally) Catholic.

Motivation for killing is relevant only insofar as it goes to making the killing more likely and so helps the jury in deciding the matter; beyond assisting in proof, why the victims in the Shafia case were killed is irrelevant.

The jury found they were murdered after careful planning and deliberation. That's all that matters.

Murder is murder.

"There is no "honour" concept in Muslim communities, but there is a long-standing belief that a family's reputation is dependent on the behaviour of all its family members. (This is never articulated openly; the subject is taboo.) A large number of people belonging to South Asian communities in Canada believe that women of Judeo-Christian cultures are the worst role models. They have sexual freedom, they wear indecent clothing, they have children as single mothers, they demand equality in every aspect of life – this is not what these communities desire for their daughters. The rise of South Asian matrimonial dating and marriage websites in the West is not as innocent as it may appear. It all has to do with choosing one kind of woman over another."


  1. James, you still do not get it. You want to hide it under the rug.

    " why the victims in the Shafia case were killed is irrelevant."

    What about trying to prevent it from happening again? We failed those girls. We failed Aqsa Parvez the same way. They all cried out for help, and were sent back. They could not even turn to there own mothers.

    It is not a left/right issue. Its right vs. wrong. Lets not let cultural relativism get in the way.

  2. The daily Kos is a left wing blog. One of their bloggers produced a excellent film about the opposition of a Mosque in Tennessee, exposing bigotry.
    This last posting caused him to be fired from the daily Kos.

  3. This guy should have never been allowed to become a Canadian in the first place. A couple of simple questions at his citizenship hearing would have made it crystal clear what kind of individual he is.

    No doubt had he been refused entry because of his repugnant views the lawyers would be lining up to get a crack at a quick few bucks representing him at an appeal on the taxpayers dime.

    This is an example of a failed multiculturalism policy. More to come....

  4. You're a marxist.

    Sorry, it had been a few hours since you posted this story and you hadn't been called a marxist. Thought you might be feeling unloved.

  5. I understood they were landed immigrants not citizens. Surely that makes a difference. Obviously Canadian citizens should all be treated the same way, but what about people who commit crimes and who are not yet citizens? Why are we obligated to keep them here?

  6. " why the victims in the Shafia case were killed is irrelevant."

    Morton is a CULTURAL MARXIST.

    Nobody has ever given me a logical explanation why we have imported so many foreign cultures that will never live like real Canadians. Muslims cannot live like Canadians because their religion doesn't allow it.

    There is such a thing as a Canadian culture, no matter what the Marxists tell you.

    Toronto is NOT representative of the old Canada or the revolutionary new one.

  7. Alison, I meant the victims -- but regardless, a landed immigrant is still obliged to follow the law. But you are right that was not clear

  8. Go to a hockey game at the Air Canada Center.

    Look at the color of the people who go there.

    That is Canada. That is called Canadian culture.

    Not to many hardcore Muslims attend any hockey games.

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