Saturday, February 18, 2012

New York Cardinal and Archbishop Timothy Dolan: an American Pope?

New York Cardinal and Archbishop Timothy Dolan speaks well and young for a Cardinal (he was born in 1950). He is President of the United States Conference of Bishops and is widely known for his conservative values and charismatic media personality (just listen to the Catholic Channel - he's all over it - and he knows and uses social media).

A few days ago he was asked to speak to the College of Cardinals (in Italian) before being elevated (and apparently spoke well). That's a signal.

While his politics are strongly conservative (gosh that's a surprise) he is quite prepared to talk with and listen to anyone; he may end up disagreeing but he is never disagreeable.

The current Pope has many years ahead of him, but watch Cardinal Dolan -- he is quite papabile and I suspect being groomed for the role:

1 comment:

  1. He's a Marxist. Don't trust him. He's a Marxist. Never worked a real job. He's a Marxist.
