Monday, February 20, 2012

Saudi Arabia vows to end violence with "iron fist"

Good luck to that -- people don't like to be under an 'iron fist' and once they see another tyranny falling ...

""It is the state's right to confront those that confront it first ... and the Saudi Arabian security forces will confront such situations ... with determination and force and with an iron first," the ministry said in a statement."


  1. Not sure if Saudi Arabia is a place where that kind of violence can work. I may be wrong but isn't the average Saudi citizen relatively well off and aren't the protesters more the foreign workers? I could be wrong but that's what I gathered from the last round of violence in the UAE.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once they see another tyranny falling and begin to act, America will be falling over itself to send troops to protect its great friend and ally Saudi Arabia from the evil Al-Qaeda terrorists bent on taking over the country.
