Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why does the lawful access legislation matter?

"Ask yourself this:

Should the police be able to get access to the names and addresses of anyone who shows up at a G20 protest?

An Occupy* protest?

A Stanley Cup riot?

Parliament Hill?

The PM's residence?

An abortion clinic?

A sketchy part of town?


Should be police be able to get the name and address of someone who seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time perusing the Criminal Code on the Department of Justice website? They'll be able to do just that.

Should the police be able to get your name and address based on your web browsing activities without having to swear before a judge that there is any compelling reason to get it? ...

Should the police be able to get your e-mail address, IP address and phone numbers without any probable cause? Yup, they'll be able to get that too."

Read David Fraser's excellent blog on privacy law -- you can see a redline of the new and old legislation there:



  1. Don't forget environmentalists.


  2. I told you Harper was a TOTALITARIAN MARXIST.
