Monday, July 28, 2008

Canadian Troop Increase In Afghanistan

The increase in Canadian ground troops in Afghanistan mentioned today by the government -- there does not seem to be a formal announcement -- is likely needed. The increase will, inevitably, be accompanied by more accidential civilian deaths (as we saw today; so long as the Taliban hide among civilians they put ordinary Afghans in terrible danger) and losses of Canadian solidiers. Each such loss is a tragedy, but that does not make the loss a waste, at least not if a good cause is served.

The brutal anti-woman, anti-Christian, anti-gay, frankly anti-almost everything Taliban are an enemy so bad as to be implausible in fiction -- these are people who destroy thousand year old temples for spite.

The losses of life, while tragic, are a necessary part of defeating the Taliban; one can only hope that no one tries to make political hay out of the sacrifices made.

An increase to Canada's troop commitment in Afghanistan to 2,700 would represent the additional boots on the ground needed to run aerial drones and six Chinook helicopters, said Defence Minister Peter MacKay.

Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson was in Afghanistan on the weekend for his first visit since taking on the portfolio.

While there, he said Canada may boost its numbers in the south by 200 "as more equipment arrives," appearing to link the troops to a new squadron of helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) expected to be in place early next year.

See here for a full report from CTV:


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud to be supporting a narco-state!
Go Canada!

And maybe in 20 years, we will have made some progress....

Anonymous said...

The brutal anti-woman, anti-Christian, anti-gay, frankly anti-almost everything Taliban are an enemy so bad as to be implausible in fiction -- these are people who destroy thousand year old temples for spite.
Wow, they should like a mix of the Harper minions mixed with Bush.... apart from the anti-Christian part...
So, do you know how many precious artifacts have been lost since the U.S. invaded Iraq?

I don't understand why you should think that the Taliban should line up in the open so that they can be gun down by a superiour armed force.

NATO will be defeated in Afghanistan - shades of Vietnam....

James C Morton said...

Cherniak_WTF, you may But, that does notmake it a 'good thing'. As for the anti-Christian reference, I was noting the death sentence given to a convert. I suspect the Taliban isn't crazy about Jews or. Buddists eith. Jwell be right that NATO, that is Canada, may lose. Certainly my friends in the Canadian Forces are concerned.

Anonymous said...

I once supported our effort over there but it seems that any altruistic goal has been perverted.

We have replaced one brutal regime with another.
No one is saying that the Taliban are not brutal, but what have we put in their place?

In the end, the Taliban will be invited back into the government (or should at least). I fear that we have made the situation worse for the citizens there.

After 6 years, we do not have much to show for trying to impose democracy.

I don't think that a Synagogue would be welcomed there - the real tragedy is that is that we are supporting a "wanne-be" dictator and inflaming hatred towards the west.

Anonymous said...

A tricky issue for sure, but I fear Cherniak is right; we will lose...and then what did all those soldiers die for???