Friday, July 25, 2008

Now you mention it...

As proof of the point of my last post I left to subway in downtown Toronto early this morning to be greeted by aroma of marijuana. A group a construction workers were openly sharing a joint -- they no more hid their actions than if they were having a coffee.


Johnathon said...

Kind of funny seeing how laws in construction allow owners to DEMAND urine samples if they suspect their stoned. IF they prove it , you're immeditatly fired. At least , thats how its supposed to be.

Now,dont get me wrong, What they were doing was great, but its the legal issues I was most referring to.

James C Morton said...


I hadn't thought of that but damn it, you're right. Well, just another reason to get the laws clarified!


Anonymous said...

It's rampant indeed and has been so for many years. Talk a walk down Granville St. in Vancouver or go to any concert in Toronto. I recall going to an Ottawa Rough Riders football game in 1988, when I was a teenager (visiting Ottawa from my small local town) and was absolutely stunned to see men rolling a joint, with cops only a short distance away. No one batted an eye.