Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Obama And The Continuing War

There is an interesting editorial in Al Jazeera about how Obama's turn to the centre seems to be a turn to the right.

Certainly his new position on Iraq and Afghanistan is very different from what he was suggesting even a few months ago.
Drawing down troops in Iraq for the purpose of sending them to Afghanistan is not quite the same thing as ending the War on Two Fronts. And, as the New York Review recently pointed out, Obama's current position on Iran is practically the same as that of the Bush administration.

It may be that Obama, trying to avoid being seen as weak, will go to the other extreme.

A part of the editorial reads:

The presumably cultured liberal Obama failed to explain why killing more Afghans rather than killings Iraqis will make Americans safer, or how adopting the Bush-McCain rhetoric on the "war on terror" will win him the presidency.

While I seldom agree with Al Jezeera -- I still think the war in Afghanistan is and was justified and am proud of the Canadian participation -- the editorial makes for a thought provoking read:

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