Friday, September 19, 2008

Donkey jailed for theft

Now here's an effective justice system!!!

Egypt donkey jailed for theft

An Egyptian donkey has been jailed for stealing corn on the cob from a field belonging to an agricultural research institute in the Nile Delta, local media reported on Thursday.

The ass and its owner were apprehended at a police checkpoint that had been set up after the institute's director complained that someone was stealing his crops, the state-owned Al-Ahram daily said.

The unnamed ungulate was found in possession of the institute's corn and a local judge sentenced him to 24 hours in prison.

1 comment:

sassy said...

haha, that the second time in less than a few weeks that I read/hear about animals in jail.

The first one was goats that were being held in a Kinshasa prison cell

Seems the goats' crime was not stealing but, being stolen. :)