Saturday, September 20, 2008

Useless Professionals, Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter

Two striking thoughts come from today's National Post; I'm not sure they're right but they are thought provoking!

First, Jimmy Carter has been repackaged as Barack Obama.

Of course that's just a rhetorical flourish and, in truth, Carter did some good -- look at Camp David. Put otherwise Carter or Bush the Younger? Well, that's an easy one.

Second, part of the cause of the economic meltdown is that all major North American cities have downtown cores filled with giant buildings holding thousands of talented people, working very hard, but doing nothing productive.

Both points are questionable but the second (unlike the first), for me at least, has a nagging ring of truth to it. For myself, for instance, would I not be doing more for the world as, say, an engineer, building something than as a lawyer, engaged in what is the largely useless theater of our justice system? I suppose the flip side is that I try to change that theater to something useful but often wonder if that struggle is hopeless ... .
James Morton
1100 - 5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

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