Monday, September 22, 2008

Vile Comments -- And we trust a company that says this to supply the Forces?

Ignoring everything else, would you trust a supplier that allows such vile language on its website? Doesn't this scream out unsupervised and careless??? Perhaps another point might be that Canada's role is to help in, among other places, Afghanistan -- the helping role doesn't sit to well with such vulgar ignorant abuse.

Canadian military supplier's website contained anti-Muslim comments

OTTAWA - A company that supplies knives, flashlights and other equipment to the Canadian armed forces referred to Muslims as "rag-headed, heathen bastards" on its website as recently as Sunday when the federal government complained.

Gear Up Motors' website was replete with other jabs at women and Liberals and mocked official bilingualism and concerns about global warming.

Full story:


WesternGrit said...

Anyone know how they got the contract? Sound like "Conservative friends"?

Anonymous said...

I dont understand Morton. He already said he was talking about muslim terrorists.

BTW, what is worse?

Comparing Harper to Hitler like most of your "progressive" friends do.

Or calling terrorists, "ragheads"?

You make the call.

Anonymous said...

Or how about this Morton.

The CHRC just gave some Punjabi Hindu 4 grand in damages for a reamrk in 1998 where a Canadian said "I like visible minorities".

That was declared to be racist.

How about a post on that Mr Morton.