Monday, April 20, 2009

Council of Presidents

The Red Ribbon Task Force of August 2006 recommended the establishment of the Council of Presidents; a single group representing all the Riding Presidents, CEO’s of each Commission and all voting members of National Executive.

The Task Force described the Council this way:

It is recommended that:

• A Council of Presidents be established.

The Task Force believes that this new entity is vital in a renewed effort to foster greater engagement with the Party’s grassroots and greater coordination of Party activities… . Its duties would be to review and consider the annual strategic, organizational and fundraising plans of the Party and each of the Commissions, the election readiness plans of the National Campaign Committee, the Policy development plans of the Policy Committee and its subcommittees, and consideration of by-laws related to the National Membership Registry, such as fees and procedures. It will also provide a useful forum for the Leader to outline his or her plans for the future. Perhaps most importantly, it will allow representatives of every single EDA to be consulted on, and gain knowledge of, all of the policies and procedures of the Party.

The Council of Presidents has proven its worth; it was a valuable source of guidance for the Party last November.

During the Convention the Council of Presidents will meet again. Its agenda reflects the broad scope of the Council of Presidents’ work; among other things the Council will select a new Deputy Chair who will work with the National President (who is Chair) to ensure the Council of Presidents fulfills its mandate so that come the next election we see a Liberal government returned in Ottawa.

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