Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Council of Presidents

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the position of Deputy Chair of the Council of Presidents. Je vous demande votre soutien.

Deputy Chair of the Council of Presidents is a crucial position; the Deputy has the task of making sure the Council’s voice is heard and the Council works closely with the Leader and the National President.

Je suis un Libéral pendant de nombreuses années.

My Liberal roots go back to the late 1970’s – I was a worker at the great rally for Pierre Trudeau that our new National President organized in 1980. As a local Riding President I have seen the challenges the Liberal Party faces on a local and regional basis. That experience, together with my non-political experience as President of a professional association with over 18,000 members, gives me the background to be a strong Deputy Chair.

The role of Deputy Chair is largely organizational but that does not mean a vision for Canada is unimportant. C’est un temps de renouveau et de transparence. We need a more open, democratic, inclusive and efficient Liberal Party and I will work with our new Leadership to make that come true. Renewal is more than a concept – it is something that needs concrete steps to put into place. Ensemble, nous pouvons stimuler le renouveau du Parti Libéral.

To win the coming election we must be unified and show Canadians a credible alternative to the Harper Conservatives. Nous devons unir les Libéraux et les Canadiens d'un océan à l'autre. This goal is achievable but will need work and dedication.

I ask for your support next week in Vancouver.

Please join me Wednesday evening at the Pan Pacific Hotel where I will have a Hospitality Suite. Je serais très heureux de parler avec vous!

Liberally Yours,

James Morton
Thornhill Riding


Anonymous said...

Wow! News to me!

ylc4ever said...

Good luck Mr Morton!
Are you running against Jason Cherniak for this position?

Anonymous said...

Aren't you longtime buddies with Alf Apps?

Big Winnie said...

Good Luck!!

Kathleen said...

Good luck indeed! Too bad I am not going to be there in Vancouver to cast my ballot in support of you. I think you will do an excellent job in this role!

penlan said...

Good Luck James! If you get the position will you still be blogging?

James C Morton said...

Thanks all -- I plan to keep blogging regardless!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you James. You've got my vote!

Walid S. said...

Good luck,
It is sad that I will not be able to be there in Vancouver this monumental year, to cast my vote for you.

I believe that you can do a great job in this role.

Please remember that the National Water Strategy resolution is an important one and I hope that it becomes a national policy.

Leader of the Curmudgeon Wing of the Liberal Party said...

Best of luck, James.

Carey Miller

Anonymous said...

James has a FaceBook group now:

Don Thompson said...

Does "a credible alternative to the Harper Conservatives" mean a party that is not controlled from the top down? Something other than our current one-man government, or the same creature with a [slightly] different head?