Friday, June 5, 2009

8.4 % Unemployment

Ontario hit hardest.

These numbers are slightly worse than expected.

While it would be easy to blame the government for these figure, and in a Parliamentary sense they are 'responsible', the real culprit is the world economy.

We're not out of the recession - depression yet.
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Phillip Huggan said...

Good. Let's see some rich people in homeless shelters. Ontario voted overwhelmingly Conservative last election despite J.Flaherty telling people not to invest in Ontario.

If I was denied welfare (a provincial jurisdiction) years ago because I'm an able-bodied man, is that an infringement on My Charter Rights? MPs voted for raises; their pay is a safety net to not get bribed. Some of them use medical and ergonomic safety nets.
Chrysler workers who are the Union type that spit on $8/hr temps, have a $20/hr+ safety net as do our bank execs ($4B loan guarantees aid their stocks and options valuations)...

It isn't my style to sue. But rather than research (volunteering like Einstein did and was able to because of a rich relative) designer pandemic Rapid Response heuristics or AGW economics...without money for illegal THC or without small amounts for sale at 7-11...maybe I should research oil infrastructure terrorist attacks and post bioterror blueprints in enough places to leave NSA cursing Google??
As of today, the Conservative's criminalization platform and MB's prejudice against men has given me a mental illness. I thought I might've had a minor anxiety disorder in the past but I think it was I just realized people are assholes.

Phillip Huggan said...

Most people in deadend jobs who wouldn't be if top-tier taxes weren't cut; the ritzy homeowners just expect such people to die of exposure (like S.Fletcher would without a medical safety net) if they leave their jobs. Like American foreign policy, they never consider future retaliation.

If swine flu mutates before I get weed sometime in July I guess, I'll be cheerleading a 7 billion body count rather than offering my social distancing and civil order two cents. I've learned Old Testament from Conservatives.

Phillip Huggan said...

That's social engineering, right? Consigning military age Canadian males to a dumb-IQ occupation, life expectancy and wage.

I'm just guessing, but if I hadn't been labouring for $5.50-$8.25 some thigs I might've tackled are:

1) Figuring out the ratio of administrative competance on IR to non-reserve rural communities. Figuring out their Federal funding levels and expected value "economic growth potential", and thus putting a price on reserve-by-reserve mostly underfunding and some over-funding.

2) I'd be well into health infrastructure and R+D by now if I had more than a tired 1/2 hr daily commute and lunch breaks to read. Years back I just figured I'd wait to build a cryonics lab later but it didn't take long for me (after quitting Labor Ready) to question whether it work...

3) There is yet no measure as to the long-term dividend of foreign aid and how it later bequeaths globalized markets. I fluked out on finding microfinance while I was losing the only trade I'd ever been closed to mastering because MB and AB can't synch their license databases; now I consider it a badge of honour to drive drunk as to police in this province (though I don't actually use my lawyer, judge and police salaries to permit running over and death of pedestrians like is done by well-paid-as-if-they-weren't-a-gang police here).

4) Pretty sure I would've tackled P.Martin's ranking of African administrative competance. What they ar not doing now is pooling the rankings. The African Union is corrupt so that should bring down aid levels to Botswana and non-corrupt countries. You should probably transfer a portion of your future resource revenue stream (and transnational resource profits) to geopolitical resource-less neighbours in a way that maintains civil order and mild human rights.

5) Sustainable AB economy (like MB's only bigger): a detailed transition plan away from tar until CCS demonstrated (takes decades) and towards chemicals. Novel water storage demos in SW AB most vulnrable to AGW....

Now I'm wondering, sober and poor, if harming the rich isn't as beneficial as is helping the poor? A pandemic would be as traumatizing to rich Canadians (such as yourself) as will be AGW rich Canadians, even the pretty ones who deliver MSM, unleashes upon the 3rd world.

Anonymous said...

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