Monday, June 15, 2009

Stay tuned

Election Showdown Update
Source: The Canadian Press - Broadcast wire
Jun 15, 2009 17:01

OTTAWA_ Prime Minister Stephen Harper is rejecting overtures from Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff to prevent a summer election.

Harper says he will unveil proposed reforms to E-I by the fall.

But he says he can't meet Ignatieff's Friday deadline for providing details on the proposals.

Still, the prime minister says he is willing to meet with Ignatieff to discuss how they can come to terms.

Ignatieff today gave the Tories until Friday to produce details on proposed changes to the Employment Insurance system, otherwise his party could vote against the federal budget spending estimates -- something that would trigger an election.

But Harper says it would be unrealistic to put together detailed proposals on such dramatic changes to E-I in such a short period of time.

Harper's comments today make it unclear whether the country is headed for a summer election.

Both Harper and Ignatieff have said they don't want an election, but neither has ruled out the possibility.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ignatieff has NO choice now. If nothing is forthcoming from Harper, he has to defeat the Govt. on Friday. Otherwise, he will ALWAYS be seen as weak, as was Dion.

Please, call his bluff. Bring on the election.