Thursday, November 26, 2009


There's a piece in today's Globe suggesting the Liberal Party needs to go on the attack -- pull out and publish dated stories of Harper saying Canada is second rate etc. The piece suggests that being unfair is not a bad thing -- it is a necessary thing.

My thinking is different.

Attack ads are good but only if they actually attack a real policy or problem. Attacking something that isn't there will, at least over time, backfire.

More to the point, perhaps, Canadians want to vote for (and not against) someone. It's not good enough to say "vote for us because they're dreadful and we're the other guys".

The Liberal Party is not defined by opposition to the Conservative Party -- we have, and must continue to have, our own policy and platform so as to give Canadians a reason to vote FOR a Liberal government.

So what does this mean?

Well, legitimate attacks on Conservative actions are right, proper and prudent.

Calling the Conservatives on failure to act on Afghanistan torture is right -- that deals with a real issue that goes to the heart of what Canada's role in the world is.

Calling Conservatives on child care and women's issues is right -- that goes to what Canada is and what Canada is not.

But calling Stephen Harper a fascist is not right -- it's obviously untrue and more it's merely going to make the name caller look silly.

The way forward is to set out good policies (we have many now but they are not always well communicated) and to hold the Conservatives to vigorous and honest scrutiny.

Attack ads can be part of that scrutiny but only where they attack a reality and not a phantom.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Brant said...

Partticularly since bringing attention to things Harper has said or written has already been done. We've heard it all, and if you try to go back to the same well, you'll find it is dry.

CanadianSense said...

All excellent ideas. The road back to credibility will be a long one after the years of throwing mud and smears.

If the Party brings back practical realistic ideas and not gimmicks some people may look again or return.

Anonymous said...

Harper smeared Dion and now Ignatieff, so why not tell the does not have to be a smear, but the truth is bad enough, when it comes to Harper.

CanadianSense said...

Every political Party uses smear and some are actually successful.

Relying on smears for 100% of your AGENDA to win power back is not working.

Dion was not given enough time after hitting 26.3%, the elites threw him under the bus.

Now the same elites have MI with 23% and heading lower after this latest failed scandal calling our troops War Criminals and trying to fundraise from it.

Anonymous said...

People have busy lives and short memories when it comes to politics. A compilation of the CPCs 'greatest hits' is not an attack. No need to embellish or make it personal. It's their record. Canadians deserve to be informed. It's evident how the CPC feels about that. LK

uranowski said...

The paradox is that while Canadians do have a short memory the Conservatives are constantly blaming the Liberals for the current government's long list of failures. The media has decided this is an acceptable practice.

This has let the Cons take credit for Liberal successes (our strong banking system) while blaming the Liberals for problems created by the current government (firing Linda Keen and the isotope crisis.)

Anonymous said...

I hope the LPC begins speaking out about the false Con talking points, Harper's record and the misinformation and abuses of Canadian institutions. Soon and with Grit. LK