A bit surprising but perhaps geography plays a role?
February 23, 2010 The Wire Report
A new study by the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society says Canada’s “recent broadband development has lagged behind other developed nations.”
The report, titled “Next Generation Connectivity: A review of broadband Internet transitions and policy from around the world,” says Canada faces a gap of broadband coverage between rural and urban areas.
The report concludes that 3G wireless penetration in the country has been “substantially weaker than fixed line penetration.”
Out of the 30 countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the report ranked Canada 26th in 3G penetration.
Canada fared better in broadband penetration, placing 10th among OECD countries for its per person broadband reach, and seventh for its reach to households.
Yes, it's geography. It's also population density. In BC the problem with any wireless is simply that we live in valleys between mountains. Wireless is point-to-point so out of site is out of service. Couple that with very thin populations outside of the border corridor and certain main highways and you have a recipe for poor coverage.
The fear for me is that we will act on this report and spend huge dollars bringing high speed access to far flung communities, especially if we use 3G, or god forbid, fibre! This problem will work itself out with newer technologies. Even now two way Ka band satellite is available in most areas, and while a little more expensive that DSL or cable, it is coming down in price and going up in speed.
Give it time, not public money.
Canada is advancing broadband technology, An internet service provider is like a backbone for this technology and they are doing their best to provide high quality services.
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