The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey gives the Conservatives a slight edge at 32 per cent to the Liberals' 30 per cent.
The NDP were at 16 per cent and the Greens at 10 per cent while the Bloc Quebecois was dominant in Quebec with 41 per cent.
James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4
416 225 2777
The poll a few days ago showing the Libs at 37% was suspicious at best. It made no sense.
That poll a few days ago was done by CAITI, so don't trust it.
The poll was NOT done by CAITI it was bought by CAITI but it was done by a legitimate polling firm (Environics). That being said the survay done for them did preface the voting intention question with questions regarding income trusts (albeit without, I thought, loaded language). It's reason to be skeptical but not outright dismissive.
It wasn't bought by CAITI either if you want to get that technical. It was paid for by CAITI or commissioned by CAITI. CAITI didn't just waltz along and see a poll they decided to buy. But then getting technical like that is just stupid. The poll was done by CAITI, the poll was bought by CAITI, the poll was paid for by CAITI, the poll was commissioned by CAITI ... the bottom line is that because CAITI is involved you shouldn't trust it. Period.
Why? It's a poll done by a reputable firm.
It doesn't matter who paid them to do it so long as the methodology is sound, you can't just dismiss it because CAITI is involved.
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