Friday, February 12, 2010

Federal Liberals take four-point lead over Conservatives in new Environics poll

An election is a long way off and this may not reflect a long term trend but ... I am glad to see this:

The federal Liberals have taken the lead over the Conservatives for the first time since the 2008 federal election, according to a new Environics poll released today. The opposition Liberals have the support of 37 percent of decided voters, an 11 point gain over their level in a previous Environics poll conducted last December. The Conservatives now trail the Liberals by four points, holding 33 percent of voter support, a drop of four points for the party since December.

The New Democrats have also lost support, falling to 13 percent from 17 percent in December.

For the other parties, nine percent would vote for the Green Party, and eight percent would vote for the Bloc Quebecois nationally, which translates into 36 percent support in Quebec.

James Morton
1100-5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

416 225 2777


Anonymous said...

This poll is inconsistent with a number of recent polls. It was commissioned by CAITI so I would put too much in the results.

Anonymous said...

There is only one poll that counts James, your leader and party do not have the balls to go there.

The days of Liberal polling companies shaping public opinion are long gone.

WesternGrit said...

Funny how they were not "Liberal polling companies" when Harper was up...

Anon #2... You don't have a clue how big the balls are on this side... The swagger is back, but this time, it's tempered with the same careful application it was back in the times of previous Liberal governments. Keep your blinders on - it's only good for us...

CuJoYYC said...

This Western Grit, that lives in the west, agrees with WesternGrit.

ottlib said...

Yes, when the public polls are showing the Conservatives in the lead the polling companies are mighty fine fellows.

When they show the opposite they are Liberal bums.

Personally, I have difficulty with them regardless of what their estimates say. Polling has always been as much art as science but I find more and more political polling companies leaning more towards the art side.

Paul Raposo said...

Could Jack Layton stepping aside--no matter how temporarily--effect the NDP fortunes?

James C Morton said...

Paul, you may be right. But to be clear, the cancer Jack Layton has should not (assuming it is treated properly) have any material impact on his leadership or the fortune of the NDP. While I am not NDP I would not change my vote because of the illness of their Leader. James

Anonymous said...

One swallow does not a summer make

Kirbycairo said...

"The days of Liberal polling companies shaping public opinion are long gone". . . . Yes Anonymous, now you want Conservative polling companies to be shaping public opinion.

I find these Conservative attitudes amazing. They spend years telling us how bad the Liberals were and now they have spent years trying to be exactly what they condemned. Apparently the Conservatives didn't really mind the patronage, the corruption, the nepotism, the political manipulation. They were just angry that they weren't the ones who were getting to have the fun!

What a laugh.

Kephalos said...

This poll is the start of a trend to ensure a Harper Tory Govt until 2-0h?-13. The Bloc and the NDP are not going to vote non-confidence when the polls indicate that they will win less seats than they now have.

Boys and girls, strap on your misery helmets and hunker down for 42 more months of Harper auto-self-vaporation.

Anonymous said...

Good gawd you Liberals are patsies, you'll take anything, even an abysmal failure like Iggy shoved down your throats by the Bloc Torontois.

You idiots deserve what you get.

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.