Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carville Tears Into Obama's Oil Spill Response: 'We're About To Die Down Here'

Democratic strategist James Carville, who is also a resident of New Orleans, attacked President Obama's response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf Coast today, saying: "You got to get down and take control of this, put somebody in charge of this and get this thing moving. We're about to die down here."

On Good Morning America, Carville said that "the political stupidity of this is just unbelievable," and that he has "no idea why their attitude was so hands-offy here."


Anonymous said...

Now if GWB had done this.....

WesternGrit said...

Anon: Problem here is that there is a mega-oil company standing in the way of progress. We all know the only reason BP put the "concrete cover" and then the "tube" down was to try to recover some of the oil (to sell). They never wanted to "plug" what they thought was salvagable.

Problem in the USA is the Corporate lobby is too strong. If Obama went in and "took over" the show, and really slammed BP for the actions they're covering up, there'd be hell to pay with all the attack ads against him... Big Oil rules the South. There are millions of "good ol' boys" working on the rigs and associated industries on dry land, or having their jobs directly depend on it. The corporate roadblock shows just how right of center the US Democrats continue to be.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that all politics are local... If this was in another backyard, Carville would care less.

Anonymous said...

"Problem in the USA is the Corporate lobby is too strong. "

True, but if Obama wasn't such a gutless, corporate hack who sees nothing wrong with the status quo he could push and likely get much stronger reform on a whole issues.

Toss Obama into the same category of pathetic "liberals" like Tony the Poodle Blair and Jean Charest.