Friday, May 21, 2010

PC product placement

Twitter brings out the odd in people (I am no exception).

Here's an example -- Tim Hudak, Opposition Leader in Ontario posted this Tweet:

"Nice meal w Debbie and Miller tonight at Always have a good time at the Jordan House Tavern."

Now, Twitter asks people to share what they are doing - so the "nice meal" bit makes sense.

But why the pitch for the Jordan House? It's probably a very nice place but does it need product placement in a Tweet from the PC Leader?

Put otherwise, why is Hudak promoting the Jordan House and not, say, talking about other stuff [and as a Liberal I won't list targets but they are not hard to spot].

It's like me posting "Sending a Tweet on my fabulous BlackBerry pda -- always reliable, I trust BlackBerry, a Canadian product.". Wouldn't you wonder what the motivation was?

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