Monday, June 7, 2010

Fake lake

In many ways it’s a small thing but as a symbol this fake lake is rather deep:

OTTAWA – A fake $2-million indoor lake by the Gardiner Expressway is the latest example of the Conservative government’s summit spending spree that some say could hit $2 billion by the time world leaders fly out of Toronto on June 27.

Dogged by the worst deficit in Canadian history, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his government are throwing money around that it doesn’t have on summits in Huntsville and Toronto that are ironically devoted to coming to grips with huge government debt.



Stephen Downes said...

And yet.... is a single Liberal prepared to vote against this?

Skinny Dipper said...

There's the Cottage Channel on (Toronto) Rogers 204--574 in HD. Harper could have invested in a couple of 46" TV's for the reporters. They could then enjoy the sights and sounds of a cottage lake until they get bored and change the station to a World Cup soccer/football match. I'm actually a fan of the Aquarium Channel.

James C Morton said...

where do you vote??? my guess is the opposition would all vote against it... .

Stephen Downes said...

How about voting down bill C9 the massive omnibus "garbage" bill that allows this and other sweeping spending indiscretions.

How is C9 doing?

"The bill was quickly given second reading, with enough Liberals MPs absent to allow it through. Then it was studied at warp speed by the Commons finance committee in a single day and sent back without amendments to the full House."

You could do this now. Today. Or, at least, yesterday, when it was in the house.

Please, give me some credit...