Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Justin Trudeau looking to the West (and the middle class) for Liberal success

Pundits may say it'll be a cakewalk but there's a lot of credible folks running. Justin may well win - and be a good Leader - but it won't be without a fight:

When Justin Trudeau officially launches his campaign for the leadership of the Liberal party tonight, it is expected he will bluntly admit his party has lost touch with Canada's middle class — and offer his prescription for winning them back.
The Montreal MP, 40, will make a speech tonight in his home riding of Papineau in front of enthusiastic support, but campaign insiders say to expect a "meaty" speech, according to The Canadian Press.
While not expected to detail specific policy, the speech will instead lay out "a mature and thoughtful perspective on the country" that will showcase Trudeau's "values, objectives and methods."
The middle class — the hallowed demographic that most Canadians identify with — is not lacking for political outreach, but Trudeau has previously suggested he thought the Liberals had lost touch with it.

1 comment:

  1. It must be embarrassing when a man is leading in the race for the Liberal party head merely because of his last name. I'm no fan of Garneau, or any military man who votes Liberal after what Trudeau did, but at least he has resume. I could almost consider the Liberals if Manley were running the show, but Trudeau? To paraphrase the Quebec license plate and express our Western feelings, We Remember.
