Monday, April 25, 2016

Snow Day!


  1. I'm happy our tradition isn't so zealous.
    I've two good robot laws. #1 is they shouldn't be able to make other robots. #2 is a SWAT team should be able to take down one of them.
    We are about 15 years away from the USA making robots their infantry would lose to. Because of the lack of checks in a Republic, I like NATO to encompass Russia and China and to divert efforts to stopping synthetic biology R+D and dangerous robots/drones, and maybe AI. ie) Stealth missiles might be good whereas stealth drones are bad.
    Living in a country that bettered the religious ideal has enabled me to pronounce that 2030 memory R+D and random numbers (a commodity) are good and CPU R+D is bad. That communications and mercantilism is good and liberal trade is now bad.
    This suggests to me a lot of scope for future multinational/multilateral agencies to sensor and strike at WMD buildings.
    Because of liberal Canadian judge rulings, I can start up a Policy Analysis Market only offering utilitarian bets and diverting profits to utilitarian lobbyists and ads. This is much quicker than is underwriting novel financial instruments myself. ie) there is a RNG company but it is private and would be hard to encompass inside of an SRI portfolio. Diversity inherent in Canadian judge education enables me to contribute much. I think this is partway to a utopia. Every can submit their own utilitarian events (a president to win or a type of drone to be banned), and the weighting should be based upon the expert opinion aptitude of the person; a starting point is the USA's plan of keeping track of reading. If a person is raised well and learns well, and this can be measured, this score can be used to assign their political power. A utopia.
