Thursday, May 12, 2016

Calgary Court House


  1. Alberta could refine tar into solar panels and wind turbine parts. It could also refine it into naphtha, which could make PMMA and thus fiber optics. There are a few sectors where you want R+D completely disconnected from the internet. Now, China kills Nortel. But in 15-35 years, such an attack might results in Terminator scenarios and pandemics.
    I'd guess the correct action is to subsidize a small naphtha refinery and begin marketing secure company intranets. Eventually we will have to bomb those making drones that can't be easily shot...the list of intranet R+D is: aerospace, satellite tech, mind control, military robotics, AI, virology, chain of command personnel personal info, networking (including quantum encryption). Synthetic biology and insect drones should *never* be made.
    Maybe cdn judges should vet a future anti-WMD NATO command workforce. The nuke was stolen from the USA by a man who left 1933 Germany to escape Hitler. Germany became 1/4 fascist and 1/4 communist after the GD. I'd guess you might have 2nd generation immigrants from war-torn countries in such a novel organization, but penalize those who might be ideological. If you have an emotional reaction to the Bible, you may be fit to be Prez, but you don't have the right stuff. This organization can lay down GP radar sensors to avoid basement'd want some Russians and Chinese to have optimal curriculums now for leadership roles in a decade or two.

  2. ...I guess it might be a good mandate if every such WMD/tyranny organization develops an intranet. My 2007 Canada yearbook says 21% had an intranet. The list is very similar to export-restricted technologies, except the goal here is no espionage. Presumably a benevolent actor would patrol for WMD meta-data using a local wifi system. Having a high level of human capital would be key. I'd hope to mandate avoiding mentally ill employees, and avoiding spies. Again, off the top of my head, Canadian judges are the best actors I can think of now, free of the Methodist, Baptist and rural bent of American judges. About two years of university sciences and critical thinking (like lawyers take) would help American Southern brethren enormously here.

  3. I note China has rebuked Canada's attack on their Human Rights. I suppose human rights were important around the time of Danish invasions in making the UK a good place to farm and trade and for preserving Greece empirical thought in Monasteries. But checks on power that are educated and humane, seem more important now. It looks like China's courts uphold Communism. The point is, our judges are better educated. The Queen, the GG, the speaker, the Court, Cabinet Ministers and opposition leaders, military...all can check an evil PM and we don't even keep nukes. If Chinese 9 member leadership steals the Taranis blueprint, and mass produces it, who will stop them? NATO is presently designed not to conduct surgical strikes. It is hard to spy only on the metadata.
    A wireless EEG might alert of a crazy leader. But a new portable MRI definitely would. It might not catch good spies or Communists. I'd like laws that make such inventions, which aren't mind control, easier to test and mass produce when combined with neurofeedback self-treatment. Some provinces make higher education cheaper, my home province thx to Greenway's improvement over Ontario's sinful primary education, is a Darkest One good headstart, but you can't manual labour your way to good gvmt. A key will be which province's health system models such a super invention?

  4. addition, China's Courts are corrupt because they aren't checked by the gvmt. Other power checks we have are: Senate, media, RCMP, NORAD, USA component of NORAD, provinces, IRs. Mostly, it is a function of our education system, that we have nearly an optimal amount of human rights. Many good natured documents lack any enforcement process. Economics is just beginning to learn of resilience insurance and still hasn't figured out the cap for many public bads is zero. It will be up to good gvmt to prevent future WMDs from being used and where brain imaging becomes ineffective, education will form human capital. If your Party wants to fund to prevent a future AIDs pandemic via tiziki, you are in good shape to prevent many future pandemics. The same type of thinking that can prevent pandemics will note holes in Communism theories. I think the problem in the USA and SK/AB is more an issue of being too cowardly to face potential own mortality.
    Economics does not admit merit-based capital allocation, but China could for promoting judges; those with a Columbia Liberal Arts degree are superior. A Senate educated in a non-denominational Western University would be a good check on the PSC. How can you measure quality-of-life without individuality?

  5. I think I understand the main difference between Civil and Common Law systems, after watching Joe Pesci. The Common Law system uses Judges to actively take part in ruling new precidents, when new circumstances arise. Under Civil Law, WMDs such as robots and synthetic biology might fall under existing obsolete paradigms. I suppose the present China system resembles the Family Compact.

  6. ...assessing human capital is in historic readings. But J.S.Mill didn't witness communism, GD, or know WMDs. It looks like Canada in the 1840s had three precursor political alignments. The Radicals, who advocated violence. The C.Clique and F.Compact. And men like R.Baldwin and J.Howe who brought about Responsible Gvmt.
    It appears W.Pitt was good just before Victoria, and he is the reason an unbiased outsider, Simcoe, lead Upper Canada during the formative years of Baldwin and Howe, away from the corrupt, Anglican, Fair Haven.
    In order to globally police and prevent future WMDs, a responsible gvmt NATO-like organization is needed. It is why I'm happy the EU has a chance to question its purpose. A single robot around 2050 can beat a future aircraft carrier. To me, it looks like a German researcher is making the most dangerous new organelles, GMO research. NASA is into drones, a leading cdn lobbying for aircraft procurement envisions a 2040 world of drones...the 1990s state of mental illness research was that diagnosis isn't important without a cure, meanwhile it might prevent WWIII if the leader can be removed from power.
    So, a super surveillance system will need to be paired with good international gvmt.

  7. ...I suppose many people, mostly with degrees, will be given weighted votes. The person best able to prevent WMDs for a given decision maybe has 100000 as many votes as the 1.5 billionth best voter. Life experiences, mental health, and perhaps custom training, can hopefully be estimated. A list of banned WMDs is compiled and a sensor network is laid out globally. Surgical strikes against nations not allowing sensors can be transparently built up for.
    This is similar to Jefferson's participatory democracy except he didn't weight the votes. Crowns and chains-of-command and capitalism weight votes. This system would keep pace with technology.

  8. For NATO, the SACEUR is an American, and the Secretary General is chosen unanimously I think, by each nation's Head, Secretary if State, or Defense Chief.
    We will need people who are educated, who are sane, who are trained, and who have demonstrated real world rising to the challenge and not cracking. It isn't certain a POTUS appointed member can be anything but a Christian horsebreeder.
    So, for tariffing, and eventually striking a future WMD factory or university, you'd want the SG or NAC in charge, and the vote for a SG or for action to be weighted, based on the above criteria. This is superior to past common law as preventing new technologies from being developed triumphs preventing tyrants.
    Evnetually, after superior good gvmt preventing WMDs from being invented is demonstrated, I expect it to form a model leading the end of national gvmts and legal systems. Synthetic biology on some ship or in some 3rd world manor, wipes out everyone otherwise. Maybe 2030 computers are needed, but NATO should stop further development...

  9. Part of the problem with NATO is the non-SACEUR governance acts only with an unanimous vote (the Ministers from nations that have responsible gvmt should get greater vote weighting). It looks like a wide variety of WMDs can be prevented from being invented via a 2030 super sensor network. Part of the purpose is to keep sane people in power, and good training and education can probably be brain imaged too. The NRA could keep crazy people from owning guns.
    USA intelligence agencies have rejigged their C-of-C post 9-11 until about the 1st term of Obama. Mostly, the Joint-Chiefs, the head of the DHS, the head of National Security, and the Secretary of State, have all been bumped up and down the ladder.
    This could be weighted based upon ability to prevent future WMDs. A new domestic agency could be created encompassing the best weighted votes of at least the best of these actors. Another crown would do the actuary weighting of the new Crown's votes. A domestic IAEA-like body would be created preventing synthetic biology and too much flu R+D, keeping drones at 2010 levels, computers and robots at 2030...
    The President would not head the body, the actuaries would select who would. Hopefully all nations would comply.
