Judging by the number of comments my (rather well taken) picture of a Mosque off the QEW seemed to have hit a bit of a raw nerve. My only reason for posting it was because it symbolised for me the changes in Canada over the last twenty years or so. When I was growing up in Hamilton I did know some Muslims -- but there was no material Islamic presence. That is probably because the Muslim community was fairly new, fairly scattered and generally poor. Now that community is organised and wealthy enough to have major institutions that proudly stand where all can see.
Anyway, because it was asked for I will append a picture of a Church and a Synagogue -- neither of which would be seen as remarkable in Canada in 1970.
The church and synagogue are not remarkable for 1970, true. But if things continue the way they are by 2070 they will be rarities in Canada, and mosques will be all we see beside the QEW and elsewhere.
Glad to see you have a sense of humour.
Anon, while the catholic religion maybe on the decline in Canada, the Jewish faith and institutions remain strong. If anything, they seem stronger in Montreal than they used to be. While many members are aging, there is a strong youth involvement.
The scenario of Muslim invading seems a little exaggerated no?
If anything, we should strengthen institutions that guarantee personal freedoms and promote respect of individuals.
Relax, people. I can't believe the photo of that Mosque incited such passionate comments. Geez....
Personally, I like the fact that my daughter wlil grow up in a different Canada than I did. At the tender age of 12 months, she'll be in a day care with babies of many different ethnicities and religions. I expect her first "class" photo will be a beautiful mosaic of different colours and creeds. I think this is preferable to the way I grew up, where I don't think I met anyone who wasn't Catholic until I was at least 14 years old!
Perhaps, but maybe it's time to put a control on the crazy religions -- not just Muslim but also Mormon, Scientologist and the others
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