Saturday, May 10, 2008

Police say armed robbery suspect escaped from custody while having cigarette

May 10, 2008


MISSION, B.C. - Mission RCMP are searching for a man who escaped from custody Friday.

Constable Paul Vermeulen says an officer had taken David Glen Moody outside for a cigarette when he fled on foot. Vermeulen says Moody then stole a car which was later recovered.

Moody is 27 years old, approximately five foot six, weighs about 130 to 140 pounds and has short brown hair and blue eyes.

Moody was being held on charges of armed robbery and possession of stolen property among charges.

James Morton
1100 - 5255 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6P4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and why are the police letting suspects go outside for cigarettes in the first place????????? sheesh