Friday, June 27, 2008

Liberals and Conservatives

What's the difference? Well, there's the obvious colour distinction but that's hardly dispositive.

The real issue is one of faith -- do you believe that together people are stronger or individuals alone are the way to go?

There is no moral point here. A solitary individual can be honest, decent and G-d fearing. And a community minded person can be a cad and a crook.

But there is a question of being open to the goodness of humanity or seeing merely its fallen nature. Is humanity perfectible, or open to striving to perfection, or is it inherently to be distrusted?

A life of hope or a life of fear?

Political labels alone are insufficient but suggestive. Conservatives fear, Liberals hope. We seek the same things -- and only a blinded partisan would suggest otherwise -- but I choose hope.

To paraphrase Paul, casting aside that which has been I strive toward that which is to come. My hope for a perfected future means I am a Liberal.


Anonymous said...

"Conservatives fear, Liberals hope"

Says who? the Liberal Party?

Anonymous said...

I am with Trevor here. I think your comment is simplistic and false.

I identify myself as a conservative, I have a family, a business that employs other hard working Canadians and a lifestyle that I have worked hard to attain. Those things came from living in the best country in the world.

My only fear is leftist factions turning this fine nation into the kind of hell that the UK and most of Europe, for that matter is becoming.

I believe that for the vast majority of Canadians and for that matter, humans, have hope above all things.

I reject your simplistic rhetoric and sugges you step away from the Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

I see that the first commentaries are from clownservatives...

My only fear is leftist factions turning this fine nation into the kind of hell that the UK and most of Europe, for that matter is becoming.
Odd how the UK is a country where privacy seems to be non-existent and the Harperdroids seems to be clawing away at civil liberties and freedoms yet assmonkeys sit stoic cheering their party.

So Anon, do you agree on how Canadians seem to be helping the corrupt regime in Afghanistan?