BERLIN - A new study suggests Canada ranks second to last among G8 countries when it comes to addressing global warming.
Only the United States scores lower on the Group of Eight Climate Scorecard, released Thursday by the World Wildlife Fund.
The study also found that none of the eight countries are making improvements large enough to prevent drastic temperature increases.
The World Wildlife Fund say none of the G8 countries are even half-way to meeting ideal emissions targets.
It says Britain has done the most to reach emissions targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol, with France and Germany close behind. Following in order are Italy, Japan, Russia, Canada and the United States.
The scorecards were released ahead of next week's gathering of the Group of Eight on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.
Regine Guenther, director of the World Wildlife Fund Climate Change Program in Germany, told reporters in the German capital that G8 leaders should commit to reducing emissions in their countries by 40 per cent by 2020 and 80 per cent by 2050.
"If we don't achieve that, the world's climate will change in ways that we can't even imagine today," Guenther said.
The scorecard was compiled by Ecofys, a Dutch consulting company, and commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund and insurer Allianz SE.
Joachim Faber, an Allianz board member who helped compile the scorecards, said a global emissions trading market is important to fighting climate change, and that the EU should lead its development.
"The EU-specific trading system we have at the moment must serve as model system for one that we can found outside the EU, for the world economy," he said.
The study also analyzed - but did not rank - five of the world's fastest growing economies: Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa.
"These countries cannot be measured with the same ruler as industrialized countries," the study said.
fool taken in by the environutbars i suppose you aee happy to freeze in the dark while starving because you dont have a job
"Climate scorecards"? More ridiculous nonsense from the green goons who invented climate change, global warming, and the other silly and endless green propaganda from the nutcases who want you to live in unheated caves to abide by thier goofy earth first dogmas
If you dont believe it is ascam googlemaurice strong kyoto.Power corp.controled by liberal insiders is b uilding coal generaters in china and rhe coal is being delivered by canada steamship lines owned by gueuss who. if you areopen minded take ten minutes.istead of only reading what backs up what is bein g preached
The deniers do not believe anyone. I think Harper , when an election is called, will suddenly "become" green. just to get all the votes he needs. Watch out afterwards, if he does get in.
Harper will say or do anything to keep power but look at his reaction to Morgentaler He had no reaction So come the election Haper and the Jolly Green Giant will be one in the same
"The deniers do not believe anyone."
And what position on this list was Canada under the last Liberal government with Dion as environment minister?
Hint: it was one lower than we are now.
Anonymous #8 -- you just made that up -- and are wrong -- check the WWF website. Believe it or not (and you won't) the Libs are better stewards of the environment. And guess what, as I recall it God told us that we get to be top dogs on earth but we are to be good stewards... .
I guess I made this fake webpage as well: WWF: "Canada, US rank lowest on climate scorecard"
When you're right you're right.
Here's the website text:
Canada, US rank lowest on climate scorecard
(Toronto: July 04, 2005)
The US is bottom of the G8 climate change class, turning in the worst performance of all the top eight economies in dealing with global warming, according to a new rating published by WWF.
The global conservation organization’s “G8 Climate Scorecards” show that while the US remains the climate change schoolroom dunce, none of the others look particularly bright either. No G8 country could truly claim to be a leader when it comes to cutting emissions, increasing the share of renewable energies or improving energy efficiency.
“The Bush administration is not only failing to deal with the threat of climate change but is also actively trying to water-down the G8 effort and outcome,” said Jennifer Morgan, Director WWF’s Global Climate Change Programme. “If the US insists on lagging behind then it’s time for them to be left behind.”
The scorecards use ten criteria to provide a comparable snapshot of recent and expected greenhouse gas emissions in each of the G8 economies, and evaluate the performance by how effectively governments are reacting to the threat of climate change.
Within the scorecards, the US performed worst, with the highest emission rates for greenhouse gases (around two thirds of its energy is from coal and oil) and per capita energy consumption, nor a party to the Kyoto Protocol. France, Germany and the UK are furthest along in dealing with climate change, but even their emissions will increase unless if further measures are implemented soon. Canada, Italy, Japan and Russia rank much lower.
Canada is in penultimate position because greenhouse gas emissions have risen by 21% against the Kyoto benchmark when the requirement is for a 6% decrease, per capita and industrial energy consumption is very high, and electricity from renewable sources (mainly very large-scale hydro) is unambitious compared to others in the class.
“A lame G8 statement will come back to haunt Mr. Martin when Canada takes up the chair of the Kyoto process” said Julia Langer, Director of WWF-Canada’s Global Threats programme, referring to the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol which Canada will host in Montreal in November. “Canada has to both demonstrate improvement on all its climate change indicators and rally international creativity and support for Kyoto II.”
Five major developing countries represented at the G8 climate talks -- Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa -- are expecting large growth in emissions as their economies expand. WWF is calling on the G8 to announce clear programmes and financing to assist them to develop in a less carbon-intensive fashion.
The global conservation organization also wants the G8 to commit to keeping the rise in global temperatures below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, provide a clear policy framework for Kyoto countries to meet their targets, and for all countries to support even deeper cuts in CO2 emissions.
To obtain a copy of the scorecard or to arrange interviews contact:
In Canada: Kyle Ferguson, Manager, Communications, WWF-Canada 416-484-7728 kferguson@wwfcanada.org
In Gleneagles: Brian Thomson 011 41 79 477 3553, bthomson@wwfint.org or Helen McDade, 011 44 7780 957665, hmcdade@wwfscotland.org.uk.
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