Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blogger with many personalities

Curious blog story out of Newfoundland. Apparently one blogger went by various different names and posted comments which varied by name. So one name was used to post extreme hard right views, another to post radical left view and third for view of a religious fanatic etc etc.

It seems the blogger has been subject to attack but his actions remind me of renaissance scholar who presented dangerous view in the guise of a dialogue between various people. No one could accuse the scholar of heresy because he always presented the orthodox truth (among others).

But gosh this blogger had spare time!


Anonymous said...

Bizarre - schizo bloggers!! Watch your back, Morton. Maybe all the commenters on your blog are, in fact, all you!?!?!?!?!?!

James C Morton said...

Damn, busted!!!!! HA HA HA