Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Poll Shows Liberals Strong In Ontario and Quebec

Trouble ahead for Harper's Tories, poll suggests

The Canadian Press

OTTAWA -- With a possible fall election around the corner, a new poll suggests there could be trouble ahead for Stephen Harper's Conservatives.

The Canadian Press, Harris-Decima survey suggests the Liberals and Tories are in a virtual dead heat for overall national support.

But the Liberals have pulled ahead in support in Ontario and Quebec, crucial battlegrounds that will determine the outcome of a countrywide vote.

Harris-Decima vice-president Jeff Walker says the Liberals have a significant advantage in Ontario, especially in large, urban centres.

Nationally, Liberal support was up slightly to 33 per cent, statistically tied with the Tories at 32 per cent.

The New Democrats followed at 15 per cent, followed by the Greens at six per cent.

In Quebec, the Liberals were virtually tied with the Bloc Quebecois, at 30 per cent and 29 per cent respectively, followed by the Tories at 24 per cent, the Greens at eight per cent and the N-D-P at six per cent.

Walker says it appears no one has gained ground based on the unveiling of the Liberal Green Shift environmental plan.

The telephone poll of just over one-thousand Canadians was conducted August 7th thru 10th, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Full story here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only one poll counts -- election day!