Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OK, I was wrong, time for an election

But I still think the spring is better ... .

More ready for federal election: poll; Canadians starting to think minority government has 'run its course,' pollster says

Norma Greenaway

Ottawa Citizen, Aug. 19, 2008

Canadians are warming to the idea of a federal election "to clear the air,"

according to a new Ipsos Reid poll that suggests a fresh round of election talk spurred by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his chief rival Stéphane Dion might be striking a chord with voters.

The poll, conducted exclusively for Canwest News Service and Global National, also says that if an election were held today, the ruling Conservatives would only be able to score another minority government. It put the Conservatives' popularity at 36 per cent, the Liberals at 30 per cent, the NDP at 14 per cent and the Green party at 10 per cent. Six per cent were undecided.

The poll says the proportion of Canadians who favour an election "to clear the air" has risen to 40 per cent from 27 per cent in March. Moreover, the proportion of Canadians who said "there's no need for an election at the moment" dropped dramatically to 38 per cent from 66 per cent. Almost one in four, or 23 per cent, said they did not know which statement best captured their views, up from seven per cent in March.

Pollster Darrell Bricker says the findings suggest signals from Mr. Harper and the Liberal leader that they are itching for an election fight are starting to have an impact on what Canadians are thinking.

"This (Parliament) is unprecedented in terms of the amount of time we have had minority government, so maybe people are starting to think it's run its course," said Mr. Bricker, president of Ipsos Reid.


Anonymous said...

Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone please tell me what good it would do if Harper gets another minority..this country will really be all gone as a country, because he is doing things behind the scenes that we rarely find out about...very sneakily
They have the money to lie and cheat again,-- much money to run ad after ad.. while the Liberals are not doing too well monetarily and could not match them..so what are we to do..Ipso Reid favours the Tories, by the way

Anonymous said...

You're right about them and the Cons. Asked Bricker a question once about polling scripts, which were filled with grammatical errors. He said "the client writes them and read them as is. We don't care if they are grammatically correct."

Google "neuro-linguistic programming" to see why this would be impotant. BTW, this happened when a push poll commissioned by the Alta. Tories was taking place.