Sunday, August 17, 2008

Parliament still works

An election if we must but not because Parliament has stopped working!

Legislative record contradicts Harper claim of parliamentary dysfunction

OTTAWA — For a place that Prime Minister Stephen Harper claims is on the brink of anarchy, Parliament has been a busy little beehive since the current session began a year ago this fall.

Notwithstanding some periodic theatrics over alleged Conservative ethical lapses, MPs from all four parties have often put partisanship aside to produce results when required.

By June, no fewer than 29 bills had received royal assent and become law since the session started in October.

And despite the fireworks at three politically charged committees, two dozen others have been quietly labouring away for months on a range of bills and hot topics, from the seal harvest to climate change.

In the final week alone before the summer recess, MPs tabled nine committee reports, sped through a series of last-minute votes, approved $335,000 worth of finance committee travel and unanimously rushed through a bill reforming military court martials.

Nevertheless, the prime minister labelled Parliament "dysfunctional" last week, maintained the committee system was "in chaos" and warned he would "have to make a judgment in the next little while" on whether it's worth going on.

Full story here:


Johnathon said...

Morton, why don't you want an election. I think it would clear the air on how and what Canadians expect from our country.

Question period is like a bunch of 2 year old children whining at each other.

An election is called for at this time, at least in my mind.

James C Morton said...

Maybe you're right. I just see an election acheiving nothing but maybe I'll be wrong (won't be the first time!).