Good thing the CBC is able to confirm the authenticity of Taliban death threats by speaking directly to the Taliban -- gosh, otherwise we might be getting false death threats!
More seriously, killing aid workers is clearly designed to oppress the general population; there is no element of 'liberation' from foreign troops. Perhaps Canadians should leave Afghanistan (not my view but I understand the point) but not because the Taliban are people we can 'work' with. They really are bad guys.
Taliban to Canada: leave Afghanistan or else
MONTREAL (AFP) - Taliban militants have threatened more attacks like the one last week in Afghanistan that killed two Canadian humanitarian workers, unless Canada pulls its troops out of Afghanistan, Canadian media said.
In an online letter, the Taliban also called on Canadians to pressure their government into withdrawing its soldiers from the NATO-led contingent in Afghanistan, "and follow a neutral policy regarding Afghanistan," CBC public television said.
Full story here:
Otherwise, the militants warned, "the Afghans will be obliged to killed your nationals."
CBC said it had confirmed the letter's authenticity after talking to Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid in Kandahar province.
"William Joyce, on the 18th of September, 1939, and on other days between that day and the 29th of May, 1945, being a person owing allegiance to our Lord the King, and while a war was being carried on by the German Realm against our King, did traitorously adhere to the King's enemies in Germany, by broadcasting propaganda. "
If "broadcasting propaganda" is a capital offense, then surely you would agree that the CTV, Tor Star, Globe and anyone else who repeats that "taliban garbage", they should also be executed.
Morton, has moral decay, mostly coming from Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, destroyed this country to the point where something rejected during WW2 is now perfectly healthy in 2008?
Don't you see the link between immigrants and our "moral decay".
Canada never had these kinds of psychotic episodes until Trudeau brought in his multi-culti utopian nightmare.
Morton, when you import people from the middle east in huge numbers, can you be surprised when the foreign policy is identical to a country in the middle east.
How is a "muslim" opinion any good to Canada?
Would we have accepted "German" opinion during WW2 about how to run our foreign policy?
I doubt it.
The CTV, CBC, Globe and even the National Post should be burned to the ground by the military.
I was always a bit uncomfortable with Lord Haw Haw's execution... .
whoa johnathon, your opinion is pretty extreme, don't you think? I'm guessing that you are a Conservative from a small town in Alberta.
There are so many points that I could counter with, but I don't think you are a reasonable person, so I don't think there is much point in debating you.
However unless you are 100% aboriginal, you should be careful about dissing immigrants; we are all "immigrants" to this great nation of ours.
Katleen, sorry to bust your balls, but I'm a Canadian.
Born and raised here.
If you want to use the goofy analogy that "we're all immigrants", then surely everyone in the world is an immigrant.
That's pure left wing drivel from an insecure person like yourslef that has no sense of culture or nationality.
I am a Canadian. Not an immigrant.
That's the fact.
Grow up.
well as I said you really don't sound like a reasonable person so I don't see the sense in debating you. Just for the record, I'm a Canadian with a very STRONG sense of culture & nationality. I just think my vision of Canada is more open & inclusive than yours.
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