It really is sad that CTV decided to release the tape of Dion trying to hear the question put.
I have been on the show in question and can say it was very hard to figure out what I was being asked -- and my language skills are not in doubt (other skill yes! but language no!).
That said, perhaps the Leader would have done better to ignore the form of question and just give a sound bite on the economy -- but the Leader is concerned to answer what's asked and not merely to mouth the same old stuff... .
In any event, Harper must be getting to edge if he is relying on this type of thing.
Dion stumbles, Harper pounces
October 10, 2008
Tonda MacCharles
Torstar News Service
WINNIPEG–A broadcast interview showing Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion struggling in English to grasp a question about the economy shows Dion is unfit to lead the country, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said last night.
Funny how people in Canada laugh outloud when Sarah Palin makes a gaffe but cry when Dion makes a HUGE gaffe.
Dion couldn't run a Tim Horton's, let alone a country.
Face it Morton. The question was very easy to understand unless of course you don't know English, but for 95% of people, the question was ver easy.
How DIon flubbed it makes it PROVEN BEYOND ALL DOUDBT THAT DION IS A CLOWN, and not a leader.
Sorry for Dion, he only has about a hundred hours before he is removed from the leadership post.
James. The question was clearly understood by Mr. Dion. The only word he might not have completely understood is the word "today". That's not a language issue. And how about that embarrassing opening to his speech yesterday. Because the teleprompter was down, he stumbled and mumbled his way through 5 minutes of saying thank you before his scripted speech came on. He clearly isn't a spontaneous person and decisions sometimes have to be made spontaneously.
This was not a hearing problem...he heard every other question fine...he simply had no rehearsed answer...he didn't know what he would have done differently.
The problem as I see it, is that all Dion has had to do for the past (2) years is denigrade Harper.
Yet, when asked for solutions, he has none...he simply didn't know what his handlers wanted him to say.
The sad reality here, is this person could actually become Prime Minister...and where would that leave leadership, with the economy in the hands of unnamed handlers...
If this situation was reversed, would these same people be making "excuses" for Harper...I think not...the vast left wing media would be all over him for they should be now....
it was a stupid question which he took for what he would do if he became PM and answered with his fight to get rid of poverty with his 30/50 plan and then realizing he made a mistake tried to fix was a hearing mistake and those who ridicule him are turds.,,,signed granny
Hey Granny!. A stupid question? About what he would do different if he was PM? Are you serious?
All Dion has done is bash Harper. He offers no solutions to the problems. (Except to set up meetings)
And by the way, the economy last month produced over 100,000 new jobs. That's kind of important isn't it Granny?
Sheesh - the Con trolls are out in mega-force today. Guess they have nothing better to do with their time than spout vitriolic garbage.
Good post James!
Prairie Kid....they are part time jobs a@@hole.
Penlan, of course they're out in full force. They've realized that they aren't getting the majority that he promised them. So they now have to sulk!!
Don't you listen to the news?
Over 19,000 NEW FULL TIME manufacturing jobs were created. You can't do that by just holding meetings.
And your profanity tells me exactly how well you know your politics.
And Halloween is still a ways away so you don't have to hide behind your "anonymous" mask until the end of the month.
What about the CRTC and ethics in journalism. Mr. Murphy clearly agreed to start over....and then released this?
CTV obviously has not integrity any more, but I just wondered about CRTC rules.
OY! Did I stir up a hornets nest!
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