Monday, October 6, 2008

Polls and Vote Split

Does anyone remember Reform and the Progressive Conservatives?

Remember what happened when they ran together?

They lost all the time. Big time.

They split the vote.

Now the Conservatives have fallen in the polls a bit -- they seem to be stuck around 35%. And the Liberals are next either a few points behind or more than a few points behind. Then comes the NDP.

Imagine one big riding -- call it Canada -- where there is a single seat. And the Conservatives get 34%, the Liberals get 28%, the NDP get 20% and the remainder is divided up among Bloc/Green/Whomever.

The Liberal/NDP vote is 48% but who wins? The Conservatives.

The NDP is very different from the Liberals -- we are the Centre and they are the Left but we have a risk of vote splitting and that might lead to some very unexpected results.


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