Saturday, November 22, 2008

JFK shot

45 years ago today in 1963 President Kennedy was shot in Dallas.

One of my earliest memories is of the funeral. I kept expecting the President to come back to life; my father seemed troubled by that childish thought; at the time it seemed sensible but now I can see why it upset him. I remember suggesting they open the coffin to make sure he was really dead.

Since JFK was hit in the head and throat when three shots were fired at his open-topped car opening the coffin was probably not a good idea.

A sad memory; I only hope I see no further Presidents (or Prime Ministers or other leaders) killed in my lifetime. I fear my hope is unlikely to be met.


Anonymous said...

very sad

Anonymous said...

if he hadn't died we would all have been killed in a war with russia

Anonymous said...

It was a sad day for a nation and, indeed, the world.
You don't look old enough to even be able to remember that? You must have been a young toddler at the time. I guess it really had an impact on you. Your Dad sounds like an interesting chap.

Anonymous said...

Your photo is of Robert Kennedy, not John F. Kennedy

James C Morton said...

Oops, you are right -- fixed~!