Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas trees in public spaces

A couple of years ago I got big media play for suggesting that removing Christmas trees from Courthouses was a bad idea -- my argument was that Canada should be inclusive and so everyone (subject to space) should see their celebrations in public spaces. So Christmas trees, menorahs, divas etc are not a bad thing.

That position got a lot of flak and the main argument was that, especially in Courthouses, a Christmas tree might make, say, a young Muslim child who was the subject of a custody dispute, feel even more alienated from society. I grant that such an argument has some legs.

But still, I find some comfort in seeing the lights of Christmas; it is a season where most people, of all faiths, take a moment and break from the constant rush of work.

So I am not pulling down the tree in my office lobby!


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!