"I offer him my full and my unqualified support. He has been a friend of mine and a colleague for more than 40 years. I call on my friends and my supporters to do exactly as I am doing today," said Rae at a news conference in Ottawa on Tuesday.
"He will make a great prime minister."
The Toronto MP acknowledged that Ignatieff had the support of most Liberal MPs, and the wider party, and he said he is looking forward to working with him.
"He is going to be a fantastic leader, a formidable leader,"said Rae, who has been friends with Ignatieff since their university days.
Ignatieff, in response, paid tribute to Rae and welcomed his support.
"Bob Rae has dedicated his life to serving Canadians and I have always felt privileged to count him as a friend and colleague. His decision today reflects his commitment to the unity of our party and our purpose in these challenging times.
"I am grateful for his support, and I look forward to continuing the work of rebuilding the Liberal Party with him, and all Liberals, in the weeks and months ahead."
Either Rae or Ignatieff would be a strong leader -- now we have a Leader our task is made simpler.
Unite and form the next government!
We have an illegitimate leader through a tainted process.
"I am grateful for his support, and I look forward to continuing the work of rebuilding the Liberal Party with him, and all Liberals, in the weeks and months ahead."
I'm sure he does look forward to rebuilding the Party he has destroyed. God only hopes he doesn't decide to recreate it in his own anti-democratic image.
This is unbelievable.
How can Iggy be the Leader when he supported the USA's invasion of Iraq?
"Michael Ignatieff has been useful to the US government as it has tried to promote democracy in the middle east. He brings to this unofficial job a special, double-edged approach: he provides conservative arguments to the liberal audience and liberal alibis to the conservatives.
Ignatieff considers himself a liberal, so sometimes he criticises the Bush administration. And he is an intellectual, so he has doubts about almost everything and airs them for the liberal readers of the New York Times. But in the end he shares the US government’s vision of the violent and compulsory promotion of democracy, the war against terrorism and the use of instruments, for example torture, which are apparently in need of a revisionist treatment.
Admiration is at the root of this. Ignatieff admits that he believes that, if democracy plants itself in Iraq and spreads throughout the middle east, then George W Bush could be recognised in the future as “a plain-speaker visionary”.
Coming from a sophisticated thinker, that is a surprising assessment of the man whose worldview was characterised thus during the 2004 election: “I’m not here offering myself to you because that’s how it’s done in a democracy, but because that’s just how I am, and I don’t give a damn who says different.” For Ignatieff, Bush is a “gambler from Texas” because he is the first president “risking his presidency on the premise that Jefferson was right”."
Sheesh, is Iggy really SATAN!!!!!!!
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