Thursday, December 11, 2008

Senate reform ... never mind ...

Christy Clark on January 7th, 2007, wrote on her blog ( the following:

Stephen Harper wants to elect senators.

The Senate is a powerful institution. It can block or send back any legislation coming from the Commons. But the number of seats B.C. gets in the Senate is wildly out of whack.

Changing the Senate is a tricky thing. You can’t do it without opening and rewriting the Constitution. No one who remembers the Meech Lake debate wants to do that.

Harper says he has come up with a way to avoid all that ugliness.

He won’t open the Constitution. He won’t change the Senate, and he won’t give any province new seats. He’ll just have general elections for senators and appoint whoever wins.

Ms. Clark was quite correct -- that's what Stephen Harper said he'd do. Whether that's the right approach or not can be argued but he certainly did not follow through.

Facing the loss of power after the New Year, Prime Minister Stephen Harper plans to fill all 18 vacancies in the Senate before Christmas.

Of course, if Prime Minister Ignatieff appoints Senators I will won't complain; but he didn't promise Senate elections... .


Anonymous said...

You're just a sour loser.

James C Morton said...

Actually, not really, I just want Flocke appointed as a Senator... .

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more Mr. Morton!!! At least we know he would do a great job!

Anonymous said...

Whats is gravy for the goose....and so great to keep Ellie May and her ilk, and the Separatists ( as was going to happen under the coalition) out of plum jobs they do not deserve. Good for him, he would be a fool if he didn't at this point, and we all know that PM Harper is nobody's fool.

James C Morton said...

Truth -- Harper is no fool