Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pluto's birthday?

A long time ago, in a different lifetime, I was an astronomer.
I worked at an observatory in Arizona and one of its greatest claims to fame was that it was there that, on this day in 1930, Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto, the last planet.

Since then Pluto has bee downgraded to a planetoid -- but, to me, it will always be a planet.


Laurel Kornfeld said...

You are by far not the only one who still considers Pluto a planet. The controversial demotion of Pluto was done by only four percent of the IAU, most of whom are not planetary scientists. It was immediately rejected in a formal petition by hundreds of astronomers led by Dr. Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto. You can find that petition here:

You can also find out about efforts to overturn the demotion by visiting and my Pluto blog at

leftdog said...

Thanks for this post. While I did not disagree with the scientific ruling that enhanced a number of other objects to planetoid status, I strongly believe that Pluto should have been 'grandfathered' into 'planet' status due to it's history as such in our earlier science textbooks.

The indignation that has been done to Pluto is inexcusable in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

you were an astronomer??? Astronomy to law - that's quite a leap!!

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